Martijn Zeedijk's Wide World of Websites
This page contains a categorized list of links to websites I maintain. Most of the page I also host myself on my Debian server.
Linux system and network administrator
I am a senior Linux network and systems administrator with about 10 years of experience in the following areas:
- Mail: postfix, dovecot, spamassassin, clamav
- IP: IPtables, Shorewall, Routing
- Webservers: Apache, PHP, Wordpress
- Databases: PostgreSQL/PostGIS, MySQL
- Scripting: bash, unix utilities, Perl, Python, PHP
- Backup: tar, tapedrives/changers
- Cloud: AWS, Stripe
Besides this list I am also experienced in setting up lots of difference software packages that are running on these servers:
- SOGo, Squirrelmail, Joomla, Typo3, Mediawiki,....
For a complete overview please download the full resume.